var toolsetForms = toolsetForms || {}; var wptCallbacks = {}; wptCallbacks.validationInit = jQuery.Callbacks('unique'); wptCallbacks.addRepetitive = jQuery.Callbacks('unique'); wptCallbacks.removeRepetitive = jQuery.Callbacks('unique'); wptCallbacks.conditionalCheck = jQuery.Callbacks('unique'); wptCallbacks.reset = jQuery.Callbacks('unique'); // General jQuery( function() { if (typeof wptValidation !== 'undefined') { wptCallbacks.validationInit.add(function () { wptValidation.init(); }); } if (typeof wptCond !== 'undefined') { wptCond.init(); } else {; } } ); // CRED specific jQuery(document).on('cred_form_ready', function (event, event_data) { /** * check taxonmies on submitted forms */ jQuery('.cred-taxonomy', jQuery('form.is_submitted')).each(function () { var $parent = jQuery(this); setTimeout(function () { jQuery('input.wpt-taxonomy-add-new', $parent).click(); }, 50); }); }); var wptFilters = {}; function add_filter(name, callback, priority, args_num) { var args = _.defaults(arguments, ['', '', 10, 2]); if (typeof wptFilters[name] === 'undefined') wptFilters[name] = {}; if (typeof wptFilters[name][args[2]] === 'undefined') wptFilters[name][args[2]] = []; wptFilters[name][args[2]].push([callback, args[3]]); } function apply_filters(name, val) { if (typeof wptFilters[name] === 'undefined') return val; var args =; _.each(wptFilters[name], function (funcs, priority) { _.each(funcs, function ($callback) { var _args = args.slice(0, $callback[1]); args[0] = $callback[0].apply(null, _args); }); }); return args[0]; } function add_action(name, callback, priority, args_num) { add_filter.apply(null, arguments); } function do_action(name) { if (typeof wptFilters[name] === 'undefined') return false; var args =; _.each(wptFilters[name], function (funcs, priority) { _.each(funcs, function ($callback) { var _args = args.slice(0, $callback[1]); $callback[0].apply(null, _args); }); }); return true; } /** * flat taxonomies functions */ function showHideMostPopularButton(taxonomy, form) { var $button = jQuery('[name="sh_' + taxonomy + '"]', form); var $taxonomy_box = jQuery('.shmpt-' + taxonomy, form); var $tag_list = $taxonomy_box.find('.js-wpt-taxonomy-popular-add'); if (!$button.hasClass('js-wpt-taxonomy-popular-show-hide')) return true; if ($tag_list.length > 0) { $; return true; } else { $button.hide(); return false; } } jQuery(document).off('click', '.js-wpt-taxonomy-popular-show-hide', null); jQuery(document).off('click', '.js-wpt-taxonomy-popular-add', null); jQuery(document).off('click', '.js-wpt-taxonomy-add-new', null); jQuery(document).off('keypress', '.js-wpt-new-taxonomy-title', null); jQuery(document).on('click', '.js-wpt-taxonomy-popular-show-hide', function () { showHideMostPopularTaxonomy(this); }); function showHideMostPopularTaxonomy(el) { var data_type_output = jQuery(el).data('output'); var taxonomy = jQuery(el).data('taxonomy'); var form = jQuery(el).closest('form'); jQuery('.shmpt-' + taxonomy, form).toggle(); if (data_type_output == 'bootstrap') { var curr = jQuery(el).text(); if (curr == jQuery(el).data('show-popular-text')) { jQuery(el).text(jQuery(el).data('hide-popular-text'), form); jQuery(el).addClass('btn-cancel').addClass('dashicons-dismiss').removeClass('dashicons-plus-alt'); } else { jQuery(el).text(jQuery(el).data('show-popular-text'), form); jQuery(el).removeClass('btn-cancel').removeClass('dashicons-dismiss').addClass('dashicons-plus-alt'); } } else { var curr = jQuery(el).val(); if (curr == jQuery(el).data('show-popular-text')) { jQuery(el).val(jQuery(el).data('hide-popular-text'), form).addClass('btn-cancel'); } else { jQuery(el).val(jQuery(el).data('show-popular-text'), form).removeClass('btn-cancel'); } } } jQuery(document).on('click', '.js-wpt-taxonomy-popular-add', function () { var $thiz = jQuery(this); var taxonomy = $'taxonomy'); var slug = $'slug'); var _name = $'name'); setTaxonomyFromPopular(_name, taxonomy, this); return false; }); function setTaxonomyFromPopular(slug, taxonomy, $el) { var $form = jQuery($el).closest('form'); var tmp_tax = String(slug); if (typeof tmp_tax === "undefined" || tmp_tax.trim() == '') return; var tax = jQuery('input[name=' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(); var arr = String(tax).split(','); if (jQuery.inArray(tmp_tax, arr) !== -1) return; var toadd = (tax == '') ? tmp_tax : tax + ',' + tmp_tax; jQuery('input[name=' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(toadd); updateTaxonomies(taxonomy, $form); } function addTaxonomy(slug, taxonomy, $el) { var $form = jQuery($el).closest('form'); var curr = jQuery('input[name=tmp_' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val().trim(); if ('' == curr) { jQuery('input[name=tmp_' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(slug); setTaxonomy(taxonomy, $el); } else { if (curr.indexOf(slug) == -1) { jQuery('input[name=tmp_' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(curr + ',' + slug); setTaxonomy(taxonomy, $el); } } jQuery('input[name=tmp_' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(''); } jQuery(document).on('click', '.js-wpt-taxonomy-add-new', function () { var $thiz = jQuery(this), taxonomy = $'taxonomy'); setTaxonomy(taxonomy, this); }); jQuery(document).on('keypress', '.js-wpt-new-taxonomy-title', function (e) { if ("Enter" === e.key) { e.preventDefault(); var $thiz = jQuery(this), taxonomy = $'taxonomy'), taxtype = $'taxtype'); if (taxtype == 'hierarchical') { toolsetForms.cred_tax.add_taxonomy(taxonomy, this); } else { setTaxonomy(taxonomy, this); } } }); function setTaxonomy(taxonomy, $el) { var $form = jQuery($el).closest('form'); var tmp_tax = jQuery('input[name=tmp_' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(); var rex = /<\/?(a|abbr|acronym|address|applet|area|article|aside|audio|b|base|basefont|bdi|bdo|bgsound|big|blink|blockquote|body|br|button|canvas|caption|center|cite|code|col|colgroup|data|datalist|dd|del|details|dfn|dir|div|dl|dt|em|embed|fieldset|figcaption|figure|font|footer|form|frame|frameset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|head|header|hgroup|hr|html|i|iframe|img|input|ins|isindex|kbd|keygen|label|legend|li|link|listing|main|map|mark|marquee|menu|menuitem|meta|meter|nav|nobr|noframes|noscript|object|ol|optgroup|option|output|p|param|plaintext|pre|progress|q|rp|rt|ruby|s|samp|script|section|select|small|source|spacer|span|strike|strong|style|sub|summary|sup|table|tbody|td|textarea|tfoot|th|thead|time|title|tr|track|tt|u|ul|var|video|wbr|xmp)\b[^<>]*>/ig; tmp_tax = _.escape(tmp_tax.replace(rex, "")).trim(); if (tmp_tax.trim() == '') { return; } var tax = jQuery('input[name=' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(); var arr = tax.split(','); if (jQuery.inArray(tmp_tax, arr) !== -1) return; var toadd = (tax == '') ? tmp_tax : tax + ',' + tmp_tax; jQuery('input[name=' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(toadd); jQuery('input[name=tmp_' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(''); updateTaxonomies(taxonomy, $form); } function updateTaxonomies(taxonomy, $form) { var $taxonomies_selector = jQuery('input[name=' + taxonomy + ']', $form); var taxonomies = $taxonomies_selector.val(); jQuery('div.tagchecklist-' + taxonomy, $form).html(''); if (!taxonomies || (taxonomies && taxonomies.trim() == '')) { return; } var toshow = taxonomies.split(','); var str = ''; for (var i = 0; i < toshow.length; i++) { var sh = toshow[i].trim(); if ($'output') == 'bootstrap') { str += '' + sh + ' '; } else { str += 'X ' + sh + ''; } } jQuery('div.tagchecklist-' + taxonomy, $form).html(str); jQuery('div.tagchecklist-' + taxonomy + ' a', $form).on('click', function () { jQuery('input[name=' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(''); var del = jQuery(this).data('wpcf-i'); var values = ''; for (i = 0; i < toshow.length; i++) { if (del == i) { continue; } if (values) { values += ','; } values += toshow[i]; } jQuery('input[name=' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(values); updateTaxonomies(taxonomy, $form); return false; }); } function initTaxonomies(values, taxonomy, url, fieldId) { var $form = jQuery('#' + fieldId.replace(/_field_\d+$/, '')).closest('form'); jQuery('div.tagchecklist-' + taxonomy, $form).html(values); jQuery('input[name=' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val(values); updateTaxonomies(taxonomy, $form); jQuery('input[name=tmp_' + taxonomy + ']', $form).suggest( wptoolset_taxonomy_settings.ajaxurl + '?action=wpt_suggest_taxonomy_term&taxonomy=' + taxonomy, { resultsClass: 'wpt-suggest-taxonomy-term', selectClass: 'wpt-suggest-taxonomy-term-select' } ); if (jQuery('input[name=tmp_' + taxonomy + ']', $form).val() !== "") { jQuery("input[name='new_tax_button_" + taxonomy + "']", $form).trigger("click"); } } // @bug This does not belong here: move to the CRED frontend script or write its own // and make sure it includs the taxonomy initialization pseudo-mini-script around here toolsetForms.CRED_taxonomy = function () { var self = this; self.init = function () { self._new_taxonomy = new Array(); jQuery(self._document_ready); }; self._document_ready = function () { self._initialize_taxonomy_buttons(); self._initialize_hierachical(); }; /** * Initialize hierarchical taxonomis on a form. * * The taxonomy field itself will add, hidden, the structure to add a new term, and the button to show/hide it. * Here, we just take those structures and move them to the specific shortcode placeholder output, if any, * or remove them otherwise. * * @since unknown * @since 1.9.1 Make the structure be moved to the placeholder. */ self._initialize_hierachical = function () { jQuery( '.js-wpt-hierarchical-taxonomy-add-new-container' ).each( function() { var $addNewContainer = jQuery( this ), $form = $addNewContainer.closest( 'form' ), $taxonomy = $ 'taxonomy' ), $addNewShowHide = jQuery( '.js-wpt-hierarchical-taxonomy-add-new-show-hide[data-taxonomy="' + $taxonomy + '"]', $form ), $placeholder = jQuery( '.js-taxonomy-hierarchical-button-placeholder[data-taxonomy="' + $taxonomy + '"]', $form ); if ( $placeholder.length > 0 ) { $addNewShowHide .insertAfter( $placeholder ) .show(); $placeholder.replaceWith( $addNewContainer ); self._fill_parent_drop_down( $form ); } else { $addNewContainer.remove(); $addNewShowHide.remove(); } }); }; /** * Fill hierarchical taxonomy parent select dropdown. * * @param object $form * * @since unknown * @since 1.9.1 Add a $form paramete to only initialize parent selectors for hierarchical taxonomies on a given form. */ self._fill_parent_drop_down = function ( $form ) { jQuery('select.js-taxonomy-parent', $form ).each(function () { var $select = jQuery(this); // remove all the options jQuery(this).find('option').each(function () { if (jQuery(this).val() != '-1') { jQuery(this).remove(); } }); var taxonomy = jQuery(this).data('taxonomy'); // Copy all the checkbox values if it's checkbox mode jQuery('input[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"]', $form).each(function () { var id = jQuery(this).attr('id'); var label = jQuery(this).data('value'); var level = jQuery(this).closest('ul').data('level'); var prefix = ''; if (level) { prefix = "\xA0\xA0" + Array(level).join("\xA0\xA0"); } $select.append(''); }); // Copy all the select option values if it's select mode jQuery('select[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"]', $form).find('option').each(function () { var id = jQuery(this).val(); var text = jQuery(this).text(); $select.append(''); }); }); }; self._initialize_taxonomy_buttons = function () { // replace the taxonomy button placeholders with the actual buttons. jQuery('.js-taxonomy-button-placeholder').each(function () { var $placeholder = jQuery(this); var label = jQuery(this).attr('data-label'); var taxonomy = jQuery(this).data('taxonomy'); var form = jQuery(this).closest('form'); var $buttons = jQuery('[name="sh_' + taxonomy + '"]', form); var selectors = []; if ($buttons.length) { $buttons.each(function () { var $button = jQuery(this, form); if (label) { $button.val(label); } $placeholder.replaceWith($button); if ($button.hasClass('js-wpt-taxonomy-popular-show-hide')) { if (showHideMostPopularButton(taxonomy, form)) { $; } } else { $; } //Move anything else that should be moved with the button //changed selector selectors.push($'after-selector')); }); } }); }; self.add_new_show_hide = function (taxonomy, $button) { var $form = jQuery($button).closest('form'); var $add_wrap = jQuery(".js-wpt-hierarchical-taxonomy-add-new-" + taxonomy, $form); if ($":visible")) { $add_wrap.hide(); } else { $; } self.hide_parent_button_if_no_terms(taxonomy, $button); }; self.add_taxonomy_controls_bindings = function () { jQuery('.js-wpt-hierarchical-taxonomy-add-new').on('click', function () { var $thiz = jQuery(this), taxonomy = $'taxonomy'); self.add_taxonomy(taxonomy, this); }); jQuery('.js-wpt-hierarchical-taxonomy-add-new-show-hide').on('click', function () { var $button = jQuery( this ), $taxonomy = $ 'taxonomy' ), $output = $ 'output' ); if ( $output == 'bootstrap' ) { // Dealing with an anchor button if ( $button.text() == $ 'close' ) ) { $button .html( $'open') ) .removeClass('dashicons-dismiss') .addClass('dashicons-plus-alt'); } else { $button .html( $'close') ) .removeClass('dashicons-plus-alt') .addClass('dashicons-dismiss'); } } else { // Dealing with an input button if ( $button.val() == $ 'close' ) ) { $button .val( $'open') ) .removeClass('btn-cancel'); } else { $button .val( $'close') ) .addClass('btn-cancel'); } } self.add_new_show_hide( $taxonomy, this ); }); }; self.terms_exist = function (taxonomy, $button) { var form = jQuery($button).closest('form'); var build_what = jQuery($button).data('build_what'), parent = jQuery('[name="new_tax_select_' + taxonomy + '"]', form).val(); if (build_what === 'checkboxes') { var first_checkbox = jQuery('input[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"][data-parent="' + parent + '"]:first', form); return first_checkbox.length > 0; } else { var first_option = jQuery('select[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"]', form).find('option[data-parent="' + parent + '"]:first'); return first_option.length > 0; } }; self.hide_parent_button_if_no_terms = function (taxonomy, $button) { var $form = jQuery($button).closest('form'); //var form_id = form.attr('id'); var number_of_options = []; jQuery('[name="new_tax_select_' + taxonomy + '"] option', $form).each(function () { number_of_options++; }); if (number_of_options > 1) { jQuery('[name="new_tax_select_' + taxonomy + '"]', $form).prop('disabled', false); } else { jQuery('[name="new_tax_select_' + taxonomy + '"]', $form).prop('disabled', true); } }; self.add_taxonomy = function (taxonomy, $button) { var $form = jQuery($button).closest('form'); var dataTypeOutput = jQuery($button).data('output'); var isBootstrap = ('bootstrap' === dataTypeOutput); var new_taxonomy = jQuery('[name="new_tax_text_' + taxonomy + '"]', $form).val(); var build_what = jQuery($button).data('build_what'); new_taxonomy = new_taxonomy.trim(); if (new_taxonomy === '') { return; } // make sure we don't already have a taxonomy with the same name. var exists = false; jQuery('input[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"]').each(function () { var id = jQuery(this).attr('id'); var label = jQuery(this).data('value'); if (new_taxonomy === label) { exists = true; self._flash_it(jQuery(this).parent('label')); } }); jQuery('select[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"]', $form).find('option').each(function () { if (new_taxonomy === jQuery(this).text()) { exists = true; self._flash_it(jQuery(this)); } }); if (exists) { jQuery('[name="new_tax_text_' + taxonomy + '"]', $form).val(''); return; } var parent = jQuery('[name="new_tax_select_' + taxonomy + '"]', $form).val(), add_position = null, add_before = true, $div_fields_wrap = jQuery('div[data-item_name="taxonomyhierarchical-' + taxonomy + '"]', $form), level = 0; if (build_what === 'checkboxes') { //Fix add new leaf jQuery('div[data-item_name="taxonomyhierarchical-' + taxonomy + '"] li input[type=checkbox]', $form).each(function () { if (this.value == parent || this.value == new_taxonomy) { $div_fields_wrap = jQuery(this).parent(); } }); var new_checkbox = ""; if (isBootstrap) { new_checkbox = '
  • '; } else { new_checkbox = '
  • '; } // find the first checkbox sharing parent var $first_checkbox = jQuery('input[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"][data-parent="' + parent + '"]:first', $form); if ($first_checkbox.length == 0) { // there are no existing brothers // so we need to compose the ul wrapper and append to the parent li //add_position = jQuery('input[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"][value="' + parent + '"]').closest('li'); level = jQuery('input[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"][value="' + parent + '"]', $form).closest('ul').data('level'); level++; new_checkbox = ''; //first_checkbox = ; //add_before = false; //add_position = jQuery('input[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"][value="' + parent + '"]').closest('li'); if (isBootstrap) { jQuery(new_checkbox).insertAfter($div_fields_wrap); } else { jQuery(new_checkbox).appendTo($div_fields_wrap); } } else { // there are brothers // so we need to insert before all of them add_position = $first_checkbox.closest('li'); jQuery(new_checkbox).insertBefore(add_position); } jQuery('[name="new_tax_select_' + taxonomy + '"]', $form).show(); } else if (build_what === 'select') { // Select control jQuery('select[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"]', $form).show(); var label = ''; var indent = ''; var $first_option = jQuery('select[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"]', $form).find('option[data-parent="' + parent + '"]:first', $form); if ($first_option.length == 0) { // there a no children of this parent $first_option = jQuery('select[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"]', $form).find('option[value="' + parent + '"]:first', $form); add_before = false; label = $first_option.text(); for (var i = 0; i < label.length; i++) { if (label[i] == '\xA0') { indent += '\xA0'; } else { break; } } indent += '\xA0'; indent += '\xA0'; add_position = jQuery('select[name="' + taxonomy + '\[\]"]', $form); } else { add_position = $first_option; label = $first_option.text(); for (var i = 0; i < label.length; i++) { if (label[i] == '\xA0') { indent += '\xA0'; } else { break; } } } if (add_position) { var new_option = ''; if (add_before) { jQuery(new_option).insertBefore(add_position); } else { jQuery(new_option).appendTo(add_position); } } jQuery('[name="new_tax_select_' + taxonomy + '"]', $form).show() } self._update_hierachy(taxonomy, new_taxonomy, $form); jQuery('[name="new_tax_text_' + taxonomy + '"]', $form).val(''); self._fill_parent_drop_down( $form ); }; self._update_hierachy = function (taxonomy, new_taxonomy, $form) { var $new_taxonomy_input = jQuery('input[name="' + taxonomy + '_hierarchy"]', $form); if ($new_taxonomy_input.length <= 0) { // add a hidden field for the hierarchy jQuery('').insertAfter(jQuery('[name="new_tax_text_' + taxonomy + '"]', $form)); $new_taxonomy_input = jQuery('input[name="' + taxonomy + '_hierarchy"]', $form); } if (typeof self._new_taxonomy[taxonomy] === 'undefined') { self._new_taxonomy[taxonomy] = new Array(); } var parent = jQuery('[name="new_tax_select_' + taxonomy + '"]', $form).val(); self._new_taxonomy[taxonomy].push(parent + ',' + new_taxonomy); var value = ''; for (var i = 0; i < self._new_taxonomy[taxonomy].length; i++) { value += '{' + self._new_taxonomy[taxonomy][i] + '}'; } value = $new_taxonomy_input.val() + value; $new_taxonomy_input.val(value); }; self._flash_it = function ($element) { $element.fadeOut(300).fadeIn(300).fadeOut(300).fadeIn(300); }; self.init(); setTimeout(self.add_taxonomy_controls_bindings, 300); }; toolsetForms.cred_tax = new toolsetForms.CRED_taxonomy(); //removed return key press jQuery(function () { var keyStop = { "Backspace": ":not(input:text, textarea, input:file, input:password)", // stop backspace = back "Enter": "input:text, input:password", // stop enter = submit end: null }; jQuery(document).on("keydown", function (event) { var $thiz_selector = keyStop[event.key], $thiz_target = jQuery(; if ( $thiz_target.closest("form.cred-form").length && $thiz_selector !== undefined && $$thiz_selector) ) { event.preventDefault(); //stop event } return true; }); });